Monday, July 9, 2012

Week 4: Blogger

So this week's tool is none other than...Blogger (which is the tool that was used to create the very site you are reading!).  Though there are many wonderful blogging applications on the web, Blogger is one of the most feature-rich and straightforward, and even better, it's a part of our Google Apps for Education suite (do you see a TECHsploration theme here?), so there is no need to sign up for anything new.  The other nice thing about Blogger is that it integrates with the other Google Apps for Education, so you can add "editors" or "posters" to my blog from your BMS address list, and you can make blogs that are totally private to everyone except the people you designate (again, drawing from the address list).  You could even make blogs that are viewable only to users with a BMS email address.

This tool could have many applications in the classroom, such as an on-going dialogue with students, a way to share ideas with a group or a way to connect with another school.  You might make a blog with all the teachers in your grade or department or committee.  If you were with us back in our first year with TECHsplorations, you may have even made a Blogger blog to document your TECHsploring efforts!

At any rate, this week, take a closer look at all that Blogger can do and tweet us some ideas that you have for using this tool.  I know that several of you are already using a blog in some way--tweet that out to us!  To get to your Blogger account area, just click the "More" button on the black bar across the top of your email inbox, and choose "Blogger" or go to Blogger's website and sign in with your full BMS email address and password.  If you get stuck, try reading Blogger's support site.

As always, have fun!

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