Monday, July 2, 2012

Week 3: Google Forms

I hope that you are reading this post from the comfort of your air-conditioned, fully-powered home!  As many of you know, BMS is still without power.  What a storm that was!

The tool to explore this week is one of my favorites: Google Forms.  You may have seen Google Forms as you explored last week's tool, Google Drive.  Google Forms are a quick and easy (and fun!) way to collect information from people in an organized manner.  It functions much like SurveyMonkey.

First, you create a form for people to complete.  You can do this by going to Google Drive, clicking the red "Create" button, and then choosing "Form."  You can add different types of questions to solicit different types of information, such as multiple choice, select multiple options from a list, or even longer paragraph spaces for longer answers.  You can also choose the "theme" for your form to make it match the content you are collecting.  Then, you can share your form with others by emailing them the "live" link (don't email them the link to the editing area--they won't be able to complete the form that way).  You can also embed the form within a website, as I've done below, or tweet the link to the form!  The best part about Google Forms is that when you make a form, Google automatically creates a corresponding spreadsheet that is automatically populated with people's answers as they complete your form.  So you can see everyone's responses in an organized grid!

So, give it a try!  Tweet your forms and see who responds.  You can also set them up to automatically capture the responders BMS email/username so that you know who is completing the form.

If you get stuck, try reading Google's Form Help Site.  Tweet or email us your forms, and also tweet ideas you have about how to use this tool in your classroom.  There are so many possible applications!

Have fun, stay cool, and complete my form!

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